All right, hi, welcome back to 30 Steve Andre and welcome to another exciting video. Here, we are talking about the case management conference and specifically the forum CM 110. Now, if you're in California, this is general legal information only. This is not legal advice, so you may have something different in your state that deals with a case management conference. However, I'm going to talk about California here since we are licensed to practice law in California and Arizona. I'm going to tell you about the CM 110 form. From time to time, in a case, the judge is going to want to bring all the parties together - the plaintiff, the defendant, and any co-defendants - and find out what's going on in the case. They will want to know where you are at in discovery, how long the trial is going to be, and what outstanding issues there are. The purpose is to keep the case moving, as if courts don't do so, the pile just keeps growing. Case management is one way that the court can get a good gauge on what's going on. If you have two parties, sometimes they can work things out and submit together. However, let's take a look at this form. It's pretty basic. You just need to fill in who you are, your attorney or the party, your phone number, fax number, and email address. Let's say you are the attorney for John Doe. You also need to include the case number, the court (e.g., Los Angeles), and your address (e.g., San Francisco or San Diego). Next, you need to include information about the plaintiff (e.g., Suzie Q) and the defendant (e.g., John Doe). You also need to mention whether it's a limited or unlimited case. Unlimited cases are...
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cms-40b Form: What You Should Know
It is important to remember that you will need to supply your name, date of birth and SSN on Form CMS-30C (Application For Coverage) and either form CMS-40B or CMS-2106 (Forms for a Qualified Beneficiary for Medicare-Medigap). The application process will take about 5-10 days to complete. Once submitted, the application will include a unique ID number for the application (ex. 4) that can only be used for future Medicare enrollment and is not retained. You must also provide complete information for everyone on your family member's Social Security/Public Benefits file. A copy of the application will be sent to the Social Security Office where your dependents live, with a request for your contact information. If a change is made in your employment, that information must also be sent. If you plan to request a special deduction for dependents, including a spouse, you must complete Form SS-5, Personal Identification Statement, and submit it to your local Social Security office for processing. You will need to provide a photocopy of one page of the “Statement of Earned Income” (Form W-2). If you have not already completed your application. You may do so HERE. Also, if you have changed jobs, the information on the “Statement of Earned Income” (Form W-2) may be updated. You will then submit a new PDF version of the form. If you submit the request electronically, you will be told if you are approved or denied in 1-2 steps. Do not wait to be notified that you have been approved. Once approved you will automatically be notified and must then complete your enrollment. Please Note: CMS-60-R, Medicare Part A (Medical Coverage) Form CMS-60-R — Application for Enrollment in Part A (Part A) The purpose of this form is to provide documentation to Social Security that proves that you have been continuously covered by a group medical plan based on coverage that is not based on your enrollment in Medicare.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Form cms-40b